What to Do With Unfinished Art Journals


Artists make a lot of work. Artists also leave things behind. Loved work becomes an abandoned project, for whatever reason. It's part of our process and nothing to beat ourselves up over.

My friend, Laura (who owns a gem of a store called Anthology) recently asked for ideas of what does one do with unfinished art projects. I thought that I'd share some of my ideas here. I'd love to hear some of yours.

What You Can Do with Unfinished Mixed Media Journals:

1. Keep them as is and appreciate them as moments in time... Valuable time well spent engaged in creativity, gaining confidence in our artistic abilities and learning something new. 

2. Take them apart and compile them into one or more books (either using the finished pages OR unfinished pages.) 

3. Take the pages apart and turn them into mixed media stand alone pieces.

4. Mail art!

5. Incorporate them into new work. (Either work over the pages or use them in new work.)

6. Sketchbooks! Draw over them. 

7. Donate them. Seriously. If you don't mind parting with them (make sure there isn't anything deeply personal or truly important tucked between the pages) consider donating them. Some senior centers, homeless shelters, teen centers, and other places may be able to use them to help others create new work.

8. Gift them to inspire others. Is that someone new to art making? Give them a glue stick, some of your art supplies and maybe even an offer of your time to create together. (Grandparents and parents, family and friends, this is a wonderful way to engage, learn from and spend time with each other.)

Some Questions to Ask Yourself:

What did you learn from the work? What can you learn from the work going forward? 

How has your work evolved and changed since you first created the work? What would you do differently now?

What have I left out?


Laura Templeton said…
I was intrigued when I saw this link in your newest post. I pore over my growing stack of sketchbooks and art journals in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep and wonder WHAT to DO with them all. Most all of them have blank pages and pages that are just swishes of color mixed in with somewhat finished work. (Not sure anything is ever really finished…) I tried something the other night—I collaged over one of these swish pages with bits of ephemera, a photo of my husband as a young man, and other bits random sketches. The colors on the original page peaked through in a few spots. I think I like it! Of course, it’s totally out of order date-wise but that’s not a big deal to me.

I’ve considered donating these unfinished books but so far haven’t done that. Maybe when one is really, truly finished, I’ll give it away. ;-)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you, Laura, for stopping by and for your input. I've also thought of reworking some of my earlier journals as I have piles of them, too. I appreciate hearing that I'm not alone in my thoughts.