Creative Energy and Gratitude

I taught my first Art Sparks: Pay What You Can Workshop the other day. (The class is now available as a recording, if you're interested.) This is my demo from the workshop.


I thought it was a really fun day. I was absolutely inspired by the work that folks shared. I'm hoping to share some of their work on the blog later this week. I truly loved seeing so many faces that I haven't seen in quite some time. I've missed my people so much! It's incredible being able to use Zoom and the internet to connect with so many people worldwide. I'm still smiling about the workshop and the creative energy that was generated. It was such a good day.


If there is enough interest, I will offer more PWYCW on a regular basis (I am also curious if some folks out there would be interested in weekday workshops as well.)  


Again, thank you.

