Radiant Color: Building your Color Toolbox Now available as a recording


Radiant Color: Building your Color Toolbox 

Collage + Paint!

Now available as a recording

Oh, color, how do I love thee?

Color makes artwork come to life! Let's learn how to play with color!

Color impacts us every day, in every aspect of our lives. Color creates depth (Helllooo, Monet!) 


Color stimulates (tell me how you feel about yellow.)


Color influences us (What do you think of using red and green together in 2022 vs what did an artist like Van Gogh think of using those colors together?)

Push past reaching for the same old colors and learn how to expand your color vocabulary. 


Create work that is vivid, rich and unique to YOU.


Transform your palette, your world and how you think about color.

I will be discussing the work of some of my favorite artists and their use of COLOR to INSPIRE and ENCOURAGE you!

Supply list

  • your journal/substrate 
  • a small handful of collage images  
  • favorite adhesive (I usually use a Coccoina glue stick)
  • scissors/metal ruler
  • something to glue on
  • something to use as a palette (I usually use card stock or watercolor paper)
  • a full roll of paper towels OR old rags
  • waxed paper (to prevent your pages from sticking together)
  • a container for your paint water
  • your favorite paint brushes
  • palette knives
  • 01 Mini Catalyst Tool (no worries if you don't have one) 
  • your favorite acrylics (I'll include a list of my favorites when you sign up.) 
  • You may also want to use some paint markers (my favorites are water based Posca, Sharpie, Molotow and Holbein.)



Jump start your creative juices.  


Collage, painting, color theory, composition, design, art history and MORE will be discussed in this two hour, virtual workshop.


 Make time for YOUR art.


This workshop is now RETIRED.
If you're interested in my NEW workshops, please visit this link.
As always, thanks for your interest and support. 


“Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposively, to cause vibrations in the soul.” -Wassily Kandinsky
