New Workshop: Painted Meditations: Learning through Repetition Saturday, July 30, 2022

Painted Meditations: Learning through Repetition

Are you struggling with your creativity?

Does color get your heart aflutter?

Are you often confused about what to paint or where to begin?

Do you lack focus or direction on where to start in your work?

Do you secretly dream of Giorgio Morandi?


I'm going to share a secret with you: painting bottles again and again has changed the way I work and changed the way I think about creating.


What is it about these painted bottles?

In all honesty, it could be ANY subject/object repetitively painted. For me, this is what it's about:

1. It gets me to my easel (my studio/work area) and it gets me working!

2. It gives me something to paint. (Don't know where to begin today? Start with the bottles! )

3. It is a springboard to other creative ideas. I am learning not only how to expand my color palette but I'm also exploring the basic foundations and principles of art: value, line, color, shape, form, texture, and space.

4. It builds and expands your creative muscles.

5. It inspires and strengthens your confidence in your abilities as an artist.

6. It is inspiring AND relaxing at the same time. 

7. It bridges and connects you to artists of the past. Many artists from history painted what was in their studio (Cezanne: ginger jars, Diebenkorn: scissors, Matisse: chocolate pot, etc...) What is around you that calls and inspires you?



Painting a bottle again and again while exploring new ideas and possibilities with each painted bottle is intriguing and stimulating.


Let's jumpstart your creativity and get you working in your studio!


PS: If any of these resonate, then this is the class for you!:

  • You are a beginner.
  • You've been painting since Hoover was president.
  • You don't think you can paint.
  • You think you've forgotten how to paint.
  • Your creativity is playing hide and go seek.
  • You love being in the studio already, working with like minded painters and when does the class start already?!



Enrollment is LIMITED! 


Now available as a recording


This workshop is now RETIRED.
If you're interested in my NEW workshops, please visit this link.
As always, thanks for your interest and support.

Supply List: 

  • A bottle (or perhaps you want to try painting something else?) Find something YOU want to paint and have a reference of it handy! 
  • favorite pencil for drawing
  • journal or favorite substrate
  • acrylic paint (I like to have at least two reds, two blues, two yellows. I would like you to use what you have. I will send you a specific list of colors upon registration.)
  • White and black acrylic (I use Titanium White and Carbon Black)
  • tools: brushes, painting knives, Princeton 01 Mini Catalyst Tool
  • paper towels, water in your water bucket 
  • waxed paper/deli paper (to keep pages from sticking in your journal)
