Adieu to EZ Air Invisible Care Hand Barrier Cream

My go to barrier cream for protecting my skin while painting has always been EZ Air Invisible Care. Last year, I discovered that Blick was running low in their stock. I made some phone calls but couldn't find any further information. 

Fast forward to today, calling the phone number for the company results in a busy signal. Neither Blick nor Jerry's have EZ Air Invisible Care in stock nor do any of my local stores.

I know some alternatives that folks use include gloves, Burt's Bees Hand Salve, Gloves in a Bottle, Art Guard, to name a few.

What do you use to protect your skin while painting?


tree said…
I use nitrile gloves when I paint. During an alternative processes in photography class I VERY STUPIDLY dipped my hand into the swirling mass of photo flow to pick up a print when there were no tongs available. I figured 5 second rule, right? NOPE! The skin on my palm bubbled up and sloughed off like I used a chemical peel. I had no idea I was such a delicate flower. That ruined me for future chemicals. So I use the nitrile gloves and I am happy to do so.