Art Work: Looking Back




This post popped up as a Facebook memory the other day. 

I thought I'd share some early work (I began blogging in 2006. I don't have photos of my earlier work from 1998-2006 at the moment.)  

The more you show up for yourself and you continue to do the work, the more confidence you gain. You learn it's just paper, paint, and can be painted over and reworked. Repeatedly. You know what your tools do (or won't do.) You learn new discoveries with each and every piece. Not that you want it to be easy, if it was easy, why do it? I know that with everything that I make, I'm driven to show up, keep making, pushing, and seeking. 


I know that this isn't something I can ever "retire" from. It's something I'm driven to do no matter who or what I'm making it for. Sometimes, it's nice to know that one isn't alone in thinking this way:

Matisse drawing from bed
