First New Work of 2022

This small piece is my first work for 2022. I worked side by side in my journal as I painted this panel in acrylic (I'll share that soon.)

I've been trying to work a bit quicker and freer all while trying to be more present and thoughtful. A challenge, indeed!

I'm hoping to have a NEW announcement by Wednesday. Something that several of you have been asking about for almost two years now. I am excited. I hope you will be, too!


MDF wood panel

5 x 7"

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht, Charvin and Golden (heavy body)


Painting knives

Princeton Catalyst Tools

Looked at:

Joan Mitchell 

Edvard Munch

Enrique Martinez Celaya



Frank Auerbach Speaking and Painting by Catherine Lampert 
