Sunflowers and the Sea



This page underwent several transformations along the way. It began with collage, some paint, then a sketch in my written journal. Sunflowers, bottles and the sea have been a large part of my work the last couple of years. 

I hope that seeing work in progress shots helps you to see how much the page changes and evolves with everything that you add to it. For me, the page "says" everything that it needs to. 

Lots on my To Do List this week for me: applying for a local grant, filming more test footage for my latest online offering (coming soon), listing and selling some of my art book collection as well as downsizing collage materials and art supplies to make mixed media grab bags over the course of the next week. If you'd like to stay on top of these offerings and not miss anything, you can sign up for my newsletter. You'll be among the first to know what's going on and you won't miss a thing!

Have a good week and I hope to be back here on Friday! 



Soft journal I made using 100 lb Accent Opaque card stock sized 

Working size (book closed) 11 1/2 x 17" (Repurposing a journal I began in 2020.)

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht, Charvin and Golden (heavy body)


Painting knives

Princeton Catalyst Tools

Coccoina glue stick

Collage materials 

Posca and Molotow paint markers

Stabilo All Colored Pencils


Looked at:

Van Gogh


Alberto Giacometti Words/Writings/Interviews

Journeys by Stefan Zweig
