

I've been thinking about how we communicate. How ideas come across (or don't.) Our choices of words. The methods we use to communicate and how much they've changed over the years.

I've also been thinking about time and space. 

Memories of a home in Quincy, Massachusetts where a yellow telephone hung on the kitchen wall. The cord that stretched across the room (when my mother wasn't around to yell at me for doing so), the notes I wrote in pencil along the door frame, the conversations floating across time and space. 

In my teens, I spent a lot of time on the phone. My closest friend lived an hour away so the phone was our connection. We talked about music, musicians, tv shows and what she called, "stupid stuff." 

I miss those endless phone calls. I miss my friend. She's been gone five years now. I'm not a big fan of the phone these days but I'd love a chance to be able to talk to her one more time. 

Supplies used:

Journal I made using a discarded, hardcover book with 100 lb Accent Opaque card stock size 9 1/2 x 13" 

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht, Charvin and Golden (heavy body)

Painting knives


Princeton Catalyst Tools

Water based Paint Marker (Posca)

Stabilo All Aquarellable Pencils

Looked at:

Edvard Munch

Enrique Martinez Celaya


Enrique Martínez Celaya: Collected Writings and Interviews, 2010-2017
Borges Labyrinths
