Celebrating Joan Eardley


Joan Eardley, Summer Fields

Joan Eardley, Joan Eardley, 1921 - 1963. Artist 

Joan Eardley, Harvest 

Joan Eardley, Flowers

Joan Eardley, Seine Boat

Joan Eardley, Catterline in Winter

Joan Eardley, Arcaded Street Front 

Joan Eardley, Field with Wild Flowers 

Joan Eardley, Autumn Flowers and Seed-heads

Joan Eardley, Field of Corn and Haystacks

Joan Eardley, Fishing Boats Moored in a Harbour

Joan Eardley, Back View of Seated Women in a Shawl [verso: Two Women, Buildings and Hillside] 

Joan Eardley, Street Kids

May 18th was the centennial of painter Joan Eardley's birth! I stumbled upon her work a couple of years ago. I've been going down the rabbit hole and studying her work ever since. I thought I'd tip my hat here with a sampling of some of my favorite pieces of her work (all found at the National Galleries Scotland.) 

I am hoping to visit Scotland some day and see where she worked and lived. For now, my books and the internet will have to do.

Slàinte mhath, Joan!

More on Eardley and her work:

Joan Eardley Estate (follow #Eardley100 on social media)

The Scottish Gallery (they also have the three exhibit catalogs in the top of the pile shown above available)

National Galleries Scotland (they're taking pre-orders for a new book based on the latest exhibit here)

Arran Arts Heritage Trail (lots more Eardley to be found here

Oodles on FB 


Eardley Symposium June 2nd

Go down the Eardley rabbit hole on Youtube

There are live talks and more coming up so make sure if you're interested that you follow #Eardley100 on social media for the most up to date information.


Debbie said…
Kelly~ Thanks so much for bringing artists I did not know to my attention. Joan's work is lovely. My art school friend & I were talking the other day about how we didn't really learn much about female artists in all our hours & hours of art history classes back in the early 1970s. I'll be sharing your post with her.
Stay SAFE!
Meryl said…
What wonderful paintings! Thank you for sharing her work previously unknown to me.