Sunflowers VII


I hope that you enjoy seeing the evolution as much as I enjoy sharing the photos of the process. Off to watch some more sunflowers start to bloom on my pages.

 Supplies used:

Journal I made from hardcover book and 100 lb Accent Opaque cardstock size 9 3/4 x 16" opened 

Working size (single page) 9 3/4 x 8"

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht and Golden (heavy body)

Painting knives


Princeton Catalyst Tools

Looked at: 

Joan Mitchell

Vincent Van Gogh

Arshile Gorky



Unknown said…
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Do you make your own journal using a hardcover plus paper?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I always make my own journals (there's a supply list under my favorite supplies on the right side of the main page.) Most of the time I use a hardcover book but I've made books from just card stock as well as found papers. It just depends on my mood and what I want.