Sunflowers VI


As you can see, this one went through several changes. Stepping away. Looking (lots of looking both through the lens of my camera but also spending time just standing in front of the work.) 

There were several points where I thought I was done but upon further observation, things felt off. I'm trying to make each one different. Not that I think my work is anywhere near their level but I don't want them to look like Vincent, Joan, Henri or anyone else's sunflowers. I want them to look like my sunflowers, deeply rooted in the traditions of art history. This is how work is created. We learn and build upon each other. It's a dialogue. 

Still deeply immersed in the work of Joan Mitchell. Pulling from memory, other artists and poets. Continuing the conversation...

Supplies used:

Journal I made from hardcover book and 100 lb Accent Opaque cardstock size 9 3/4 x 16" opened 

Working size (single page) 9 3/4 x 8"

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht and Golden (heavy body)

Painting knives


Princeton Catalyst Tools

Looked at: 

Joan Mitchell

Vincent Van Gogh

Arshile Gorky


Unknown said…
Kelly, thank you for sharing your beautiful "Sunflowers VI" art piece. I appreciate your sharing your process including supply list. Thank you for inspiring my passion for art.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks for the kind words! :)

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