We Walk with Ghosts


Every painting has lineage. Every painter has "art parents." No matter how hard you try, everything around you will shape and feed you. (I call bs to any artist who says they're not influenced or inspired by others in some way.) 

Once you start to notice it, it is fascinating to trace the lineage of artists in history, to see how X influenced Y. For example, how Titian influenced Cezanne and Cezanne influenced Matisse and Matisse influenced Richard Diebenkorn, etc... It goes back a long way. It extends beyond painting. What we consume shapes and nourishes us. It plants seeds even when we're not aware of it doing so.

I try to stay well nourished in my art consumption. In the comments section of my last post, Adriane asked a great question, "what work from the artists below am I specifically looking at?" At the moment, there isn't one work specifically from each artist (but I am working on something relating to the lineage mentioned above and I will share more when I am ready.) 

I have postcards, clippings and posters tacked to my walls and easel. Van Gogh, Richard Diebenkorn, Arshile Gorky and Matisse fill my kitchen (as does a young Tristan Kilmer.) Van Gogh is next to my bed. My hall cabinets are full of postcards from my travels as is the back of my front door.

Right now I am reading two books about a certain "Lady Painter" (I will share more on these soon.) 

While I paint, I listen to art books, podcasts and YouTube videos about artists. I usually begin my work by flipping through one of my books from one of my art stacks. I look for a new color, palette, shape, etc... if I am in need of inspiration and unsure how to begin.

I generously received a scholarship for one class at the Barnes Foundation and for the next few months, I'll be continuing to study Paul Cezanne once a week.

I watch films on a regular basis and look for things while I watch. 

While on walks or drives, my eyes are open looking for things of interest and possible inspiration. 

The Art Life is a very good one. I am extremely grateful for it especially over the course of the past year. I've "adopted" several art parents this past year. Gorky was fond of saying, "I am with (insert artist.)" A dealer shot back, "Let me know when you are with Gorky." I am enjoying trying to find my own way while walking with dead artists of the past. 

Supplies used:

Journal I made from hardcover book and 100 lb Accent Opaque cardstock size 9 3/4 x 16" opened 

Working size (single page) 9 3/4 x 8"

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht and Golden (heavy body)

Stabilo Aquarellable pencils

Painting knives


Princeton Catalyst Tools

Looked at: 

Joan Mitchell

Arshile Gorky

Richard Diebenkorn


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