Sunflowers III

The finished two pages

"My paintings aren’t about art issues. They’re about a feeling that comes to me from the outside, from landscape. … Paintings aren’t about the person who makes them, either. My paintings have to do with feelings".– Joan Mitchell, 1974

As you can see, the page above went through many different stages. It began with the purple shape and the wading pool (I loved the purple shape but was indifferent towards the rest of it.) Then it morphed into what I called my, "dark Dutch phase." I really liked the purple flower (made from the previous purple shape) but that was about it. At this stage, I left it alone and moved on.

I worked on two new pages (which you will see soon.) I couldn't stop thinking about this page. I also couldn't stop thinking about Joan Mitchell and her sunflowers (more on that as we go.) 

I had finished almost four pages before I went back and completely revised the page that you see above. I am much happier with it. I am VERY happy with the sunflower especially the texture, line and color of it.

I'll share more about sunflowers along the way...

Supplies used:

Journal I made from hardcover book and 100 lb Accent Opaque cardstock size 9 3/4 x 16" opened 

Working size (single page) 9 3/4 x 8"

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht and Golden (heavy body)

Painting knives


Princeton Catalyst Tools

Looked at: 

Joan Mitchell

Vincent Van Gogh

Paul Gauguin 

Arshile Gorky

Richard Diebenkorn


Marisa said…
I love the colors and textures on each of these paintings.
Very beautiful work.