Treading Gently

I keep wondering what's appropriate to post and what's not right now. 

Many folks are still working, some more than ever before. Some are juggling two jobs as they work from home and take on the role of homeschooling  their children. Many are not working and wondering how they are going to survive and make it through the day, week, month. Most of us are sad, angry and afraid.

The world sometimes changes on a larger scale than what we want, need or expect. My world has changed multiple times over the years, one of the most devastating times was in June of 2012 when my Dad unexpectedly died. 

Thinking about those days is helping me get through these days. I'm using my coping skills learned from months (years?) of grieving to learn to live under what could be a new normal for many months to come. 

I sleep when I need to sleep. I make lists and focus on the priorities: what one big thing do I need to do today? I live in my pajamas but I bathe regularly. I go for walks. I have to force myself to put down my phone and pick up my paintbrush. I try to read. I let myself feel even when it's a wave or roller coaster. I try not to yell, but that is hard for me. I try to be kind and patient. I try to do at least one thing daily for someone else and one thing daily for myself. I let myself grieve. I try to learn from the change. I keep going but knowing the world is different. 

Our world is different. We are going to be very different after this. The one thing that keeps me going is that I am not alone. How are you surviving? 


Leslie said…
I feel pretty numb, actually. Not worried, not afraid, not angry...ok, sometimes angry. I am returning to my old hippy roots and re-reading Baba Ram Dass's book, "Be Here Now", to remember to take it a day at a time when I get overwhelmed by reading/watching news stories, which I do try to NOT watch all that often. My butt is always between 3 places in my caged environment: my art stool, my computer chair, or my recliner (which is where I read or watch tv and movies). When weather permits, we go out for a walk (we, as in my hubby who is now w/o a job). Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.
Kelly your journaling is always truthful and raw. That’s what I love about you! Thank you for being you! I’m surviving one day at a time by focusing on what I’m grateful for in my life. My amazing husband, the sun shining in the window and my breath that comes and goes without a thought. I’m truly blessed to have been given this amazing life. And although I’m home sick with strep throat and feel awful today I’m going to try my best to focus on gratitude. I’m scared for my community, my friends and family and the world. But I have no control over anyone’s health and I certainly can’t change anything. So today I’m going to pick up my paintbrush (hopefully if I feel better later) and I’m going to paint. I’m going to art journal and mix beautiful colors. Because painting makes me happy. And perhaps if I can shine some light that’s the best way to be in the world right now. Kelly you are a beautiful soul, keep shining your light because it gives all of us permission to do the same. Xoxoxo love, Kelly H
Sandy said…
Big hugs to you and your family. I’m surviving by meditating and reading. Doing a lot of self reiki to help with my joints which are giving me issues right now. Needing to do things in the house but being out of routine has made that change and it’s hard to remember what day it is. I’ve not been outside my house since March 21st. We went to our state park for a quick wedding for some friends of ours. They were planning a wedding in June and knew that would have to be postponed. I have allergies so that’s why I stay in this time of year. It’s been bad here. I miss art for sure and want to be collaging. Hopefully in the next week or so I will get back to it. ������
MissBooksmith said…

I fully understand how you feel, and how you got there.

You are one of the most genuine people I have met in my life,
and are much appreciated. ❤️

With love, Karen