Treading Gently
I keep wondering what's appropriate to post and what's not right now.
Many folks are still working, some more than ever before. Some are juggling two jobs as they work from home and take on the role of homeschooling their children. Many are not working and wondering how they are going to survive and make it through the day, week, month. Most of us are sad, angry and afraid.
The world sometimes changes on a larger scale than what we want, need or expect. My world has changed multiple times over the years, one of the most devastating times was in June of 2012 when my Dad unexpectedly died.
Thinking about those days is helping me get through these days. I'm using my coping skills learned from months (years?) of grieving to learn to live under what could be a new normal for many months to come.
I sleep when I need to sleep. I make lists and focus on the priorities: what one big thing do I need to do today? I live in my pajamas but I bathe regularly. I go for walks. I have to force myself to put down my phone and pick up my paintbrush. I try to read. I let myself feel even when it's a wave or roller coaster. I try not to yell, but that is hard for me. I try to be kind and patient. I try to do at least one thing daily for someone else and one thing daily for myself. I let myself grieve. I try to learn from the change. I keep going but knowing the world is different.
Our world is different. We are going to be very different after this. The one thing that keeps me going is that I am not alone. How are you surviving?
I fully understand how you feel, and how you got there.
You are one of the most genuine people I have met in my life,
and are much appreciated. ❤️
With love, Karen