Save Your Paint Caps

Instead of tossing your paint caps, save them. Clean them off. Store them for when cap lids crack or break.

I also always pack kitchen grippers (as shown above) to help remove glued on caps. I've heard folks dip cap lids in water before they screw them back on but I haven't tried that yet. 

Also, if you're using someone else's acrylics (or pens, markers, etc...) in a workshop, please, please, please put the lids back on. Many of us are paying out of pocket for our workshop supplies and they add up. Thank you!


Me said…
Good advice! BTW, I always save the little caps for ointments since they are so easy to lose.

For acrylics I use a great tip I read somewhere years ago which is to put Vaseline all around the screw tops of jars and tubes of acrylic the first time you open them. It really works. I don't think that would be good for water color tubes. I can usually open them if they get stuck by letting then stand upside down in a bit of hot water.