Ch-Ch-Changes: Evolution of a Page


I posted a series of work in progress photos on my Instagram the other day. I thought I'd share them here along with the finished page and work you through my thought process a bit.

I started this page as a workshop demo a couple of weeks ago. I liked it but it wasn't finished.


Searching through my ephemera, I found a cut out Metro sign that called to me. I liked how the roses peeked out behind it. I moved it around, tried a couple of other images (including a large pair scissors) but this one really spoke to me.

I started playing with color and how I applied the paint.

Paint marker time. I colored in the ribbon around her neck and extended it to the Metro sign. Then I stepped back. Something felt off. I liked it, but at the same time...

Red! Let's change the color.

The red morphed into veins, arteries and started me thinking about connections, cords, threads...

Text in the form of layered journaling. I added the date and the weather along the side. 


There are always lots of choices and roads to take in the art making process. Don't be afraid to step back and explore new possibilities. Acrylic paint and markers are very forgiving. Be open to new shapes, marks and lines that appear as you work. You never know what will happen...
