Just Announced: Art & Adventure Fremont, CA December 6-8th

It's that time of the year!!!

Fremont, CA Workshops Dec 7 and 8th

A couple of years ago, I started a tradition of teaching at my friend, Maria's studio in December. Instead of three days of workshops, we mix it up a bit. I want to encourage people to be inspired by art that they see, supplies that they purchase and experiences that they have. How can we take those ideas and translate them creatively? How can we put them to use? That's what this weekend is all about: creativity, camaraderie, inspiration, idea generating, food, fun and friendship!

If you've taken a workshop with me at Maria's in 2019, you are invited on Friday, December 6th to join us in San Francisco (please note that everything is on your own) for a day of art, shopping, food, fun and more. We are going to carpool to the city or use BART. We will be going to the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco to see James Tissot Fashion and Faith as well as Curious & Wonderful: Selectionsfrom the Achenbach Vault (admission prices here. Please note the special ticket pricing for the Tissot exhibit.) From there, we will spend the afternoon in the city shopping, eating and maybe have a bit of on the go art making. (I'll send more information to those of you who are interested.)

PLEASE NOTE: After the last class Saturday and Sunday, you are welcome to stay and work in your journal. We often go out to dinner (and bring it back) and spend a couple of hours after class in each other's company while we talk and work in our journals. 

I will also have goodies for sale.   

These fresh, new workshops teach a variety of NEW ideas involving collage, creative processing, self expression, composition, design, layering, painting and much, much more.

My workshops are always about inspiring creativity, generating ideas and learning how to see. The ideas can be translated into a variety of art forms. Use your art journal "as is" or for a springboard of inspiration for other art forms and living a creative life!

Payments for the Fremont, CA workshop must be made in advance. Due to the fact that the teacher is traveling from Los Angeles and must prep for the workshops in advance, there are no cancellations allowed. No refunds.

You may send someone else in your place if you are unable to attend the workshop, or you will receive a kit for the class. You can either pay via paypal (see button below) or send a check or money order. Once you've signed up for the workshop, you will be sent the address and directions to the workshop location. If you have ANY questions you can email me. I will also give you my cell phone number so you contact me.

The class fee includes a vast array of mediums and materials to complete the necessary project. It is well known that I do not travel light to any of my classes. I will be bringing such things are:

  •     all materials necessary to complete the project (handmade paper, decorative paper, board, glue, etc...)
  •     bookbinding supplies (thread, awl, needles)
  •     rubber stamps
  •     ink pads
  •     decorative tape
  •     stencils
  •     pens and markers
  •     acrylic mediums
  •     collage ephemera and much, much more.

I do not travel light to my classes at all.

Fremont, CA Workshops Dec 7 and 8th


Saturday, December 7th
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

The Story Within: Turning Life into Visual Journal Pages

There is a wealth of ideas within you! 

We've all been told that we have a, "story within." How do we tell that story visually? How do we take the mundane and make it extraordinary? How do you tell your story on paper?

Come and jump start your artwork! Combine layers of paper, paint and pen in new and exciting ways. I'll be reaching deep into my bag of tips, tricks and techniques to share a wealth of my latest, freshest and most inspiring ideas.

I'm always working and experimenting with new ways to gather my thoughts, generate ideas and translate them to art making. I am extremely excited to share these latest offerings with you!

Please note, we will be making a journal in this workshop.

Supply list: an apron, baby wipes, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, bone folder, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)
Sunday, December 8th
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Trust the Process: Stepping into the Unknown

Too often we are caught up in the end result. We aim for the finish line instead of enjoying the ride. We want it now when the goal should be in the discovery, unraveling and experimentation. 

In this workshop, we will focus on being in the moment, finding our creative path and learning how to allow ourselves to not only make mistakes but to learn, expand and grow from these new discoveries.  

As we work through new ideas and exercises involving layering, painting and more, learn to surrender to your work. Look, create and make so called, "mistakes" that are actually opportunities for creative growth and idea generating. Learn how to gain confidence and knowledge with your work. Strengthen your skills, expand your creative vocabulary and gain confidence in your artistic endeavors. 

I have a large toolbox of art supplies and ideas that I'll be unpacking just for you in this brand new workshop. Let's get messy and make the leap together!

Supply list: your journal, an apron, baby wipes, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, bone folder, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

Fremont, CA Workshops Dec 7 and 8th

I hope to see you there!!
