Just Announced: October 11-13th Maria's Home Studio in Fremont, CA

Join me October 11th through the 13th at Maria's home studio in Fremont, CA. This will be a weekend full of creativity, inspiration, new stories, and juicy ideas. (I'm fresh from a trip to Europe and I'm bursting with new things to share!)

October 11-13th Maria's Home Studio in Fremont, CA

Payments for the Fremont, CA workshop must be made in advance. Due to the fact that the teacher is traveling from Los Angeles and must prep for the workshops in advance, there are no cancellations allowed. No refunds.

You may send someone else in your place if you are unable to attend the workshop, or you will receive a kit for the class. You can either pay via paypal (see button below) or send a check or money order. Once you've signed up for the workshop, you will be sent the address and directions to the workshop location. If you have ANY questions you can email me. I will also give you my cell phone number so you contact me.

The class fee includes a vast array of mediums and materials to complete the necessary project. It is well known that I do not travel light to any of my classes. I will be bringing such things are:

    all materials necessary to complete the project (handmade paper, decorative paper, board, glue, etc...)
    bookbinding supplies (thread, awl, needles)
    rubber stamps
    ink pads
    decorative tape
    pens and markers
    acrylic mediums
    collage ephemera and much, much more.

I do not travel light to my classes at all.

October 11-13th Maria's Home Studio in Fremont, CA



Friday, October 11th

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Fragments of Memory

“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.” - Émile Zola 

How do you gain confidence in your work? How do you keep your work fresh and unique? How do you learn how problem solve in your art making? How do you find and create a visual vocabulary? How do you create pages that are meaningful and important to you?

We'll dive into these deep questions while creating luscious, one of a kind and heartfelt pages rich in color, texture and imagery. No need to bring a journal as we'll begin the workshop by making one one of my favorite hardcover journals bound and created from scratch. Learn to live out loud through unique visual expression on your journal pages.

Supply list: an apron, baby wipes, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, bone folder, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

followed by:

Friday, October 11th

3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Follow the Magic: Using Text in Your Work

It's no secret that I love using text in my artwork. Putting your own pen to the page changes not only our work but us. I've taught many different workshops over the years on adding text and I'm always looking for new, fresh, fun ideas.

In this all new workshop, learn some of my favorite tips, as well as new tricks and techniques for using your own penmanship in your work.

Please note that this is NOT a calligraphy class.

This is a workshop for people:

who are hesitant to write on their pages (you won't "mess it up" and if you think you do, I'll give you ideas on how to make it look like you did it on purpose)

who are eager to learn how to explore the art of generating handwritten text on their pages

who are eager to play and experiment with new ideas in creating lettering and playing with size, color and layout

who are looking for fun new ideas

who are wondering what to write or are looking for new ideas to journaling

who want to make honest, from the heart, unique pages bursting with layers of paper, paint and pen work

If any of this hits a nerve or sets your heart aflutter, then this is the workshop for you! I had eight years of Catholic school and nuns telling me that my writing was atrocious. I've never taken a calligraphy class in my life. I love to play, experiment and explore in my journal and it shows when you look at my work. I'll share everything that I know with you to make you fall in love with putting your own hand to paper.

Supply list: Your Journal (or favorite paper/substrate), an apron, baby wipes, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, bone folder, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

Saturday, October 12th

10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Pieces of our Lives: Revelatory Postcards

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

I'm always looking for ideas that combine art and life, that change how I see and experience the world around me, that, in fact, change me.

In this very special workshop, learn how to take every day experiences and make magic from them in the form of paper, color and texture. You don't have to travel far to experience a life changing journey. Adventure awaits you in your studio, at a cafe, or on your lunch break all you need is a glue stick, a few favorite paint markers and the desire to play. 

Pieces of our Lives are pocket sized art that inspires you, a way of creating and making that changes you. That's what making these postcards have done to my life. I'm eager to share the journey with you.

(The above pages are from my Dear Vincent Project created while I was in Europe and afterwards at home as I reflected on my travels.)

Supply list: an apron, baby wipes, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, bone folder, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

Sunday, October 13th

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Little Pieces: Explorations in Creative Play: A Process Workshop in Idea Generating

Corita Kent once said “Consider everything an experiment.” I've taken her words to heart and translated them into an idea generating exploration in creative play!

I've been eager to teach a process based workshop that explores the idea of creative play. This workshop will keep your hands moving, ideas generating and paint flowing.

Begin by making a series of different books (little pieces) constructed of the odds and ends of my favorite kinds of papers. We will then spend the workshop working back and forth between the different books, filling the pages with fresh ideas. Your hands won't stop moving as you explore new ideas in collage, painting, mark making and more. Our goal isn't to finish anything but to gather, generate and experiment.

These little pieces serve as larger inspiration for our journals, paintings and more. They are little treasures that help ignite, spark and feed our creativity.

This is unlike any workshop you've ever taken with me. Prepare to be nourished, inspired and eager to continue the process of making. You'll want your apron. We're gonna get messy.

Supply list: an apron, baby wipes, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, bone folder, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

October 11-13th Maria's Home Studio in Fremont, CA


I hope to see you there!


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