Just Added: September 17th Guadalupe's Fun Rubber Stamps in Santa Fe


Santa Fe is one of my most favorite places on the planet! A trip there always inspires, energizes and revigorates. I am SUPER EXCITED to return to Guadalupe's Fun Rubber Stamps Tuesday, September 17th to teach two NEW workshops!!Interested in signing up? Please contact Guadalupe's Fun Rubber Stamps. The samples are in the mail.

Questions? Please email Kelly for more info!


These fresh, new workshops teach a variety of NEW ideas involving collage, creative processing, self expression, composition, design, layering, painting and much, much more.

My workshops are always about inspiring creativity, generating ideas and learning how to see. The ideas can be translated into a variety of art forms. Use your art journal "as is" or for a springboard of inspiration for other art forms and living a creative life!

Please note there is a small supply list. (For long time regulars, please make sure to read the updated supply list below each class description.)

Beginners to advanced are welcome in ALL of the classes.

The class fee includes a vast array of mediums and materials to complete the necessary project. It is well known that I do not travel light to any of my classes. I will be bringing such things are:

    all materials necessary to complete the project (handmade paper, decorative paper, board, glue, etc...)
    bookbinding supplies (thread, awl, needles)
    rubber stamps
    ink pads
    decorative tape
    pens and markers
    collage ephemera and much, much more.

I do not travel light to my classes at all.

Building Layers: Telling Our Stories

I'm always in search of new layering techniques for my journal pages. I know that I'm not the only artist passionate in this endeavor. 

In this workshop, you will explore a myriad of ways of creating unique and luscious layers in the form of paper, paint and pen. Learn new ways of creative self expression as you break out of your creative comfort zone. 

Weave paper, paint and pen together as your story unfolds upon the page in new ways and only in the way that you can tell it.

Supply list: your journal, an apron, scissors, baby wipes, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

Warm-Up For Your Journal Pages 

Crack open your journal and let's get your hands moving and grooving across the pages. I'm often asked the question, how do you get started? How do you get past creative blocks? How do you keep your work fresh? How do you generate ideas?
If you've asked yourself any of these questions, then this is the workshop for you! 

The main goal of this workshop is to engage creative play. Explore new techniques in collage, paint, layering, mark making, journaling and more. We'll combine these techniques to create an original, one of a kind art journal page along with several samplers that can be used as reference material, collage material for your pages or actual pages themselves. I haven't taught a sampler workshop in awhile and have been itching to do so.

Supply list: your journal, an apron, baby wipes, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)
I hope to see you there! 
