Bringing Home the Goods: Anthology Edition
I had a grand time teaching at Anthology in Madison. Wisconsin. This is my first time teaching at their new location. It's a nurturing, inspiring, creative environment and I loved every minute! Thanks to Laura and the Gang for making it happen. Laura really went above and beyond in advertising the workshop. I will always appreciate that.
Big thanks to those who signed up! I wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for the artists who took the leap! Everyone rocked their pages as well as supported and encouraged one another. What a way to spend two days!
I shouldn't be spending any extra money (France is next month!) but it's hard to resist temptation at Anthology...
Mom and I are on the road. We're in Rapid City, South Dakota. Trying to get to Salt Lake City so she can make her flight tomorrow night. Then home so I can teach in Los Angeles and San Diego this weekend. Wish us luck...
Some Housekeeping:
Some Housekeeping: