Save the Date! May 17th and 18th Scrappy Chic Livonia, MI

I always get super excited about teaching at a new location! I've never taught in Michigan before and can't wait!!! Mark your calendars as I'm teaching May 17th and 18th at Scrappy Chic in Livonia, MI! I'll be offering four different workshops. The samples are on their way (and should be there by this weekend.)

These fresh, new workshops teach a variety of NEW ideas involving collage, creative processing, self expression, composition, design, layering, painting and much, much more.

My workshops are always about inspiring creativity, generating ideas and learning how to see. The ideas can be translated into a variety of art forms. Use your art journal "as is" or for a springboard of inspiration for other art forms and living a creative life!

Beginners to advanced are welcome in ALL of the classes.

The class fee includes a vast array of mediums and materials to complete the necessary project. It is well known that I do not travel light to any of my classes. I will be bringing such things are: 
  • all materials necessary to complete the project (handmade paper, decorative paper, board, glue, etc...)
  • bookbinding supplies (thread, awl, needles)
  • rubber stamps 
  • ink pads 
  • decorative tape
  • stencils
  • pens and markers
  • acrylics
  • collage ephemera and much, much more.

Scrappy Chic

33523 W. 8 Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48152

(248) 426-9020 

FRIDAY, May 17th

Untold Stories 

This journal is the ultimate in play. I'm always looking for new ways to revitalize favorite techniques. Think lush layers of paint, paper, tape, stencils, pen work and more all bound into little bundles of creativity.

We'll start the class by creating rich layers of painted pages. We've only just begun as we step back, revisit our pages and start to think about how we can assemble them into books. Before the tearing and the binding begin, we'll go through and collage our pages (yes, I will show you how to collage them so that when you fold and assemble them you will have pages ready for you to work on.) 

After we've finished assembling the journals, you'll step back again and learn techniques for on the go or art journaling with minimal supplies.
Supply list: an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), baby wipes, cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes, a water brush pen (OR an extra fine, detail paint brush *ONLY* IF you have one),  a few of your favorite LARGE glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

Conversations in Paint, Paper and Pen 
Art Journaling has been a passion of mine for over twenty years now. 
"How do you keep your work fresh, open and honest?" 
"How do you generate new ideas?" 
These are questions that I'm often asked. We'll explore the answers in this workshop. We'll dive onto our pages utilizing my latest favorite techniques in paint, paper and pen. Learn how to open up visually while creating truly unique to you pages. I'll share with you not only how I find inspiration but how you can take the ideas and make them for what you need! 
Please note that the ideas we are exploring also translate to other art mediums and fields.

Supply list: Your Journal (or if you took the day workshop, you can continue to work in that), an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), baby wipes, cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes, a water brush pen (OR an extra fine, detail paint brush *ONLY* IF you have one),  a few of your favorite LARGE glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

SATURDAY, May 18th

Authenticity: Finding Your Voice Through Art Journaling

Art journaling is about discovery and self expression. Your journal is your safe place to explore, express and experiment. It's your place to get lost as you repeatedly find yourself between the layers of paper, paint and pen. 

In this unique workshop, you will learn new ways to approach your pages using paper, paint and pen. Learn how to push yourself out of your creative comfort zone. You will create cohesive pages that are completely unique to you.

Here are just some of the things that this class will cover:
-Making a Journal from scratch

-Techniques to layer paint and paper.

-Ways of putting colors together (there is no such thing as mud!)

-Ideas for adding line, shape and text.

-Journaling to express and experiment. 

-Lettering tips and tricks.

-Self Expression

-Creative Courage

-How to push past creative block.

-Where to find and glean ideas that you can translate to journal pages.

-How to find images and papers to suit your tastes.

and much, much more.

I am known for not traveling light. That means I will be bringing my favorite art supplies to share with you: acrylics, gel medium, stencils, pens, markers, rubber stamps, ink pads and some collage material.

Supply list: an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), baby wipes, cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes, a water brush pen (OR an extra fine, detail paint brush *ONLY* IF you have one),  a few of your favorite LARGE glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

Juicy Journal Pages

After awhile, we will step back and think about our pages. Learn to look and process your pages with new eyes. We'll then rework our pages into all new original journal pages.

In this special workshop, work quick and fast, without judgment, the idea being to keep your inner critic silent. You will create a series of pages that are unique to you while learning a variety of new layering techniques involving collage, acrylics, markers, stencils, stamps and more.

Supply list: Your Journal (or if you took the day workshop, you can continue to work in that), an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), baby wipes, cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes, a water brush pen (OR an extra fine, detail paint brush *ONLY* IF you have one),  a few of your favorite LARGE glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)
I hope to see YOU there! 


martha brown said…
Well, you are getting closer to my house! I've actually been to Livonia!! I think that I have something planned for that weekend though. If not, I'll be there! ( Have you ever been to Buffalo? I think you need to teach in Buffalo :)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Martha, You got connections in Buffalo? :D ♡