Checking in from the Road (Trekking to Teach in FL and NM)

Tonight is the first night since Mom and I started our journey East to Florida that we were checked in at the hotel and settled before midnight. I thought I'd pop in and say Hi!

Above is my little booklight, my 2019 planner and what I'm reading,  Growing up with the Impressionists: the Diary of Julie Manet. I'm about to crack it open tonight.  

A few quick bits of housekeeping:

I have a bit of a SAVE THE DATE announcement to make! March 22-24th, I'll be at the Scrap Shack outside of Houston, Texas. I've been trying to figure out how to get to Texas for the Van Gogh exhibit. Thanks to the help of some friends, I'm on my way! I'll have the workshop information posted soon as well as samples in the store. I'm super excited!!!

Sweet dreams!


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