Checking in from Florida City

Checking in from Florida City. I had the most wonderful weekend teaching at Everything Scrapbook and Stamps in Lake Worth, Florida. Thank you to Michelle and everyone there for a truly inspiring and energizing weekend. I'll see you next February! I'll be sharing my treasures that I brought back very soon... 

Mom and I also had some very nice family time visiting my cousin Paul and his wife, Maureen. It's always a treat to see them. 

Now we're in Florida City. Monday morning we head to the Keys. A couple of months ago, I had the chance to talk go Green Book director Peter Farrelly. He had mentioned he had done over 20 road trips across the U.S. When we ran into him at a local mall, I asked him his favorite places. He told me the Florida Keys so, here we are... 

Some housekeeping:

Mom and I will start our trek back West starting tomorrow. I'm teaching this Friday at Guadalupe's Fun Rubber Stamps in Santa Fe. I *love* these workshops (and so will you!)

Counting down the days until I teach in Durfort, France. Join me?

Until then, be seeing you.


Pam from Mpls. said…
Hi Kelly - I love the Everglades if you are looking at more ideas for Florida. They have an amazing boardwalk through trees and water and you can see so many birds and of course many alligators. If you walk it at night you can watch the alligators feeding in a specific spot and their eyes glow red in your flashlight beam! Scary, exciting and wonderful. Captiva and Sanibel Islands are great and you take the bridge across for both of them from Fort Meyers. Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge is another wonderful place to see birds and gators. Lots of really good and reasonably priced restaurants there and the best Key Lime Pie I have ever had. Safe and Happy Travels!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Oooh, Pam. Thank you for these. I will keep them in mind for next year. I'll be back in FL February 2020. <3