The Facebook Challenge

 November 2009
December 2018

Use this tag to find other's work on social media:


There's a photo challenge going around Facebook where you're supposed to post your first Facebook profile photo alongside your most recent photo to see, "how well you've aged." Well, that kind of stuff is kind of  boring to me. 

As an artist, I'd rather see how folks have progressed and evolved in their work. If we are lucky, we all get older in some way. Instead of judging each other, why not share photos of what we were doing then vs now? 

Each of my older artworks has been an important part of my journey. Each page propels me forward and is a part of my foundation of learning and becoming. I love looking back at others' work (as well as my own) to see how that journey has been. Each page has value. 

You can play the game, too, without being on Facebook. Flip through your first journal, a journal from last year, etc... note what's different and what's the same. What are you doing that's different than before? How have you progressed? What are you eager to learn? 
