The Bones

I mailed out my Deep Within My Travels Throughout Taos book on December 31st. The post office seems to be a little slow with some of the copies and I apologize for it. Please let me know what you think when you receive it. I've heard some lovely comments from folks who have theirs.

The post office wasn't helpful to me at all that night when mailing the books, I would advise against using their "new" machines. The clerk wouldn't help me and sent me to use the machine. It took me two hours and the machine charged per transaction (fyi, your credit card company only allows so many transactions per day. Mine was about thirty.) After that experience, I'm getting a scale and printing postage at home for my next book.

If you are interested in the book, I have a handful of copies left. You can order one here. Once they are gone, that's it. I will not be reprinting them. Thank you for your interest and support. 
