On my Shelf: Sketchbook Explorations by Shelley Rhodes

Last week I was wandering my local Barnes and Noble when a book JUMPED off the shelf, screamed, "TAKE ME HOME NOW!" and pulled me to the checkout counter. I'm so happy that I obeyed. 

Shelley Rhodes' Sketchbook Explorations is a gem of a book. Part how to, part why and pages FULL of visual stimulation will make this a necessary addition to every mixed media artist's library. 

If you love painting, sketching, Mark making, book making, journaling, and art journaling, you'll love this book. Every page is a visual feast. I can see myself dipping into this book repeatedly.

Sketchbook Explorations is definitely one of the best books on art making and creativity that I've seen in quite some time. I can't stop flipping through it.


Jan said…
Thank you Kelly for this recommendation. I trust your taste in books and will be buying this one asap!!!
Hagit said…
Kelly, that publishing house has many fantastic books, all of them with that felty cover that I love, some are about textiles, but all are wonderful and related to art journaling even if not directly - mark making, story telling, etc. Check them out, I think you'll like them.