My Life in Film




"It's just a film!"-says the world
To me, film is life because art is life. Film makes us who we are. The cinema shapes and defines us. It guides us. It stays with us. At least, the good ones do. 

"Is film more important than life?"- Truffaut

Because of film, I met my husband. Our son now works in the industry. Films are a part of our every day life in Los Angeles. Good. Bad. Every film has one thing that makes it worth seeing (what my husband has called, "The Argento shot." 

"Every film has at least one shot that makes it worth seeing." -Dario Argento)

The above films are the gems that have had a major impact on my life in some way, shape or form. They are the ones that have embedded themselves deep within me. The films that I leave the theatre thinking about; the films that I wake up the next day thinking about; the films that I go to bed dreaming about.  

These films will forever be a part of my life. They are my life.


Alix said…
You already know I agree with this. The right film can take over my life for a time, sing to me, woo me, tell me secrets about myself. Films are magical.

I heretically believe that television can be that way, too.