Just Announced: October 19-21st, 2018 Fremont, CA

Hot off the presses! I am teaching four brand, spanking new workshops at Maria's studio in Fremont, CA October 19-21st (classes are open to all.) I am very excited about the new ideas that these workshops will generate over the weekend as I have been planning these workshops for quite some time now. 

Weekend Workshops in Fremont

Journal Page Warm-Up

Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

followed by
Building Layers: Telling Our Stories
3 to 7 p.m.

Soliloquy in Art Journal Form
Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Finger Painting for Grown-ups (aka Don't Toss Those Dried Up Paint Markers Yet)
Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE: After the last class Friday and Saturday, you are welcome to stay and work in your journal. We often go out to dinner (and bring it back) and spend a couple of hours after class in each other's company while we talk and work in our journals. I will also have a small amount of goodies for sale.
These fresh, new workshops teach a variety of NEW ideas involving collage, creative processing, self expression, composition, design, layering, painting and much, much more.
My workshops are always process-based learning while creating something completely unique to you.

Please note there is a small supply list.

Beginners to advanced are welcome in ALL of the classes.

Interested in signing up? Questions? Please email Kelly for more info! EGorey99@sbcglobal.net

Payments for the Fremont, CA workshop must be made in advance. Due to the fact that the teacher is traveling from Los Angeles and must prep for the workshops in advance, there are no cancellations allowed. No refunds.

You may send someone else in your place if you are unable to attend the workshop, or you will receive a kit for the class. You can either pay via paypal (see button below) or send a check or money order. Once you've signed up for the workshop, you will be sent the address and directions to the workshop location. If you have ANY questions you can email me. I will also give you my cell phone number so you contact me.

The class fee includes a vast array of mediums and materials to complete the necessary project. It is well known that I do not travel light to any of my classes. I will be bringing such things are: 

  • all materials necessary to complete the project (handmade paper, decorative paper, board, glue, etc...)
  • bookbinding supplies (thread, awl, needles)
  • rubber stamps 
  • ink pads 
  • decorative tape
  • stencils
  • pens and markers
  • gel medium
  • collage ephemera and much, much more.
I do not travel light to my classes at all.

Weekend Workshops in Fremont


Warm-Up For Your Journal Pages 

Crack open your journal and let's get your hands moving and grooving across the pages. I'm often asked the question, how do you get started? How do you get past creative blocks? How do you keep your work fresh? How do you generate ideas?
If you've asked yourself any of these questions, then this is the workshop for you! 

The main goal of this workshop is to engage creative play. Explore new techniques in collage, paint, layering, mark making, journaling and more. We'll combine these techniques to create an original, one of a kind art journal page along with several samplers that can be used as reference material, collage material for your pages or actual pages themselves. I haven't taught a sampler workshop in awhile and have been itching to do so.

Supply list: your journal, an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)


Building Layers: Telling Our Stories

I'm always in search of new layering techniques for my journal pages. I know that I'm not the only artist passionate in this endeavor. 

In this four hour workshop, you will explore a myriad of ways of creating unique and luscious layers in the form of paper, paint and pen. Learn new ways of creative self expression as you break out of your creative comfort zone. 

Weave paper, paint and pen together as your story unfolds upon the page in new ways and only in the way that you can tell it.

Supply list: your journal, an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)


Soliloquy in Art Journal Form

Some of the things that make me very happy include making my own journal from scratch, falling in love with said journal and exploring new ideas, techniques and thoughts on the pages of said journal. I know that I am not alone in these thoughts (or else you wouldn't be reading this.)

Art journaling is a dialogue with yourself in the form of paper, paint and pen.  It's a chance to express, explore and experiment with your thoughts and ideas on paper. It's a chance to play. I often think of my journal work as having a conversation with myself as well as the world around me. 

In this day long workshop, we will create an expanded journal (with hidden pockets.) After creating our new book, we will dive onto the pages exploring rich and personal journal pages. Learn new techniques as you create your own unique pages using collage, paint, pens and much, much more. 
Spend several hours engrossed in a world of layers, color, composition and self expression. Come create with us in a space that is safe, nurturing, fun (and often very funny) and full of ideas guaranteed to get your creative juices flowing.

Supply list: an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, a container for your paint water, your favorite paint brushes,  a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)



Finger Painting for Grown-ups (aka Don't Toss Those Dried Up Paint Markers Yet)

I'm tired of throwing away dried up paint markers. I'm sure you are, too. How do we rejuvenate paint markers that won't write anymore? We paint with them! Yes, PAINT! 

This isn't just basic finger painting for adults using paint markers. I've been OBSESSED with using my paint markers lately to do more than just write, draw, color and make marks with. Come to class and I'll share with you all of the ways in which, you too, can make pages as luscious as the above sample photos are (if I do say so myself!) Bring water based paint markers that won't write but have gobs of paint still left in them. Bring water based paint marker refills that you haven't used in ages and I'll share how to use them (instead of leaving them to dry up or tossing them.) 

Journey deep into a realm of luscious color, exploratory layers and expressive journal pages. BYO journal and a sense of play to this fun new workshop. Explore layers of paper, paint and pen using a plethora of creative techniques and playful exploration. 

I have been obsessed about the freedom and creative possibilities offered in this workshop. Be prepared to play, expand and experience... also, to laugh. 

If you have them, please bring any of your favorite water-based paint markers and refills to class (I will have a generous selection.) It's a good way to explore paint markers you might not have played with in a while. (Do NOT go out and buy paint markers for this workshop!)

Supply list: your journal, water based paint markers and refills (see above comment), IF You have a 01 Mini Catalyst Tool please bring it to class (I will have some to share), an apron, scissors, a small selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images and papers), cork back metal ruler, a full roll of paper towels OR old rags, your favorite paint brushes, a few of your favorite glue sticks (please trust me when I say that large glue sticks will last you longer. I always have two or three 40 gram glue sticks in my journal bag and that's more than enough for a long weekend. You WILL go through the smaller glue sticks in MINUTES), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

I hope to see you there! 

Weekend Workshops in Fremont

