Bringing Home the Goods: Collage Edition

We're still driving through Texas. We're in Abilene for the night on our way to see Van Gogh at the Dallas Museum of Art tomorrow. (Yup, still trying to see all of the Van Gogh paintings on display in the states. One of my friends called me greedy about seeing the paintings. How can you not be? People explore different things on road trips and when I got the idea in my head last year, I couldn't let go of it. Van Gogh and Diebenkorn. Those are my must see artists whose work I seek out the most while traveling. I'll never take it for granted and I'll never stop being greedy about wanting to stand in front of their work, mouth agape.) 

At one point today, I felt the need to get out of the car for a bit. We stopped at a Barnes and Noble in El Paso and I found the above magazines (grateful for gift certificates I've been hoarding!) The two on the bottom are brand new to me. Love is one of my favorites for collage. I'm not cutting up Flow. I bought it specifically for the article on Francoise Gilot. I hadn't bought it in ages but couldn't pass it up when I saw her work in it (I love her art and her writing.)

Sweet dreams from Abilene  (yeah, I picked it for the night because of Gunsmoke. I know it's the other Abilene in the show but, as a fan of Old Time Radio, I couldn't resist.)


Sandy said…
Love the cover of the Flow just for the style of the words. And Herione looks very interesting.