Blogs, Blogs and More Blogs (Yay!)

I just happened to glance up at the little counter box as I started this post. This is my 4,201 post since I started in 2006. I go through my blog reader (feedly since Google reader went bye bye) every couple of days now since it seems that far fewer people are blogging. It makes me sad as I used to be something that I did every day.

I love blogging and read blogs. It's such an intimate medium and so different than any of the other social media. If you have a blog, leave a link in the comments and I'll stop by and say hi. Maybe it will encourage others to remember to bounce around the blogging universe a bit...

Here are some of my favorite active blogs that have posted within the last month:
and you?


Carin Winkelman said…
My favorites are Mary Ann Moss at and Roz Stendahl at Mary Ann because she just lives life the way I want to as well, full of joy and observation and creativity. And Roz because she is so no nonsense about sketchbooking and art (and very very productive). I keep my own blog on my artsy stuff with a lot of photography in the mix as well on .
I am definitely seeing a decline in both blogging and blog reading. It's a pity really, I love the medium and have been doing it myself on a regular basis since 2010.
Anne Rita Taylor said…
Hi Kelly, I only started blogging in 2016 - wrote about 70 blogs so far on: making books, calligraphy, origami, and about various workshops I've taken - this year I'm blogging twice a month since I'm working part time. I agree, I love that blogs are a different form of social media and intimate too!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you, ladies!

Carin, I forgot to add Mary Ann and Roz. I know that they are both wonderful and regular bloggers so thank you for the reminder. I just realized that Roz's blog had disappeared from my feed so I need to rectify that.

Ooh thank you, Anne Rita. I've added you to my reader as well. :)

I've added all of the above blogs to the post and a few more. :)