Sharing News from Maria in Niles, CA

Major news from my friend Maria who has been hosting my classes in Niles  (Northern California) for many years...

I have so much news!

First, many of you know this is a very big weekend in Niles. On Saturday, driveways and front yards all over town will be blanketed with mountains of the coolest junk ever. People who live downtown are in prime territory, sharing their property with friends and relatives who pack up and haul their goods to sell. People actually rent out space in their front yards to sellers—especially the old part downtown—and the crowds come. I will be selling stuff in the front yard of my friend Rae at (owner of The Iron Dog downtown). Come say hi at 36836 Second Street (near Hillview). You’ll find sales all over the neighborhoods of Niles, with varying degrees of density. Parking, as you can imagine, is a challenge downtown after about 7:30 AM. Driving around the downtown area is not recommended—best to park and bring a wagon, or bike with trailer/basket, or at least a shopping cart. There are usually people selling beverages and snacks, sometimes tamales, etc. It’s an event and there are so many great deals.  Plus our farmers market is on Saturdays from 9:45 (ish) until 2—featuring the Niles Pie booth.

The next day is another great junk fiesta sponsored by Niles Main Street and that is the  53rd annual Niles Antique Fair and Flea Market. Main street is closed to autos, and vendors are set up up and down the street from right around my studio to J street. There is a great variety of stuff here—paper goods, furniture, artisan clothing, dishes—all kinds of collectibles. The shops have specials this weekend, too!

And my third announcement: as of October 15, I will be vacating my wonderful magical studio that has been SO FUN to share with so many of you since late 2010. Or 2009. I forget which. There has been a cascade of events since early July when my front window was broken in a fight out on the sidewalk. The current owner of Mission Peak Soap (Shirin) has closed the business, and the founder of Mission Peak Soap (David) is the leaseholder. David is not interested in maintaining the lease, and I am not interested in working with the landlord, so we’ve given notice. 

I’m still not sure what my next step is as far as moving my studio to another location downtown or back to my home (which is only 5 minutes away), but either way I need to find new homes for my beloved treasures: furniture, art supplies, books, etc... We’re talking treasures! So for the month of September, you are all cordially invited to come visit at 37266 Niles Blvd in Fremont (easy parking in the huge adjoining lot), say goodbye to the space, buy something or not, maybe have a snack, and wish me luck!  As long as you forgive me for working while I talk, if I’m in a zone. I may post hours later, but for now, CALL AHEAD! or email. 510 364 2256. Texting is good too but tell me who you are if we have not previously corresponded by phone. I’m asking for support here—I’m still making my plan but I would love encouragement and to see all of your faces. Even if you’ve not been in my studio! Come take something away!

Thank you so much for your attention, for any good wishes you can send my way including all your unwritten ones, and for the wonderful, creative, supportive, nourishing energy you’ve brought into my studio and into my life and each other’s lives over these last 7 years. Wasn’t it fun?


ps—Kelly will be teaching in this beloved space one more time Oct 6-8—so save the date and watch for details!
