Michael Rooker at Shorty's Barber Shop in West Hollywood

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (my favorite film, so far, of 2017) is out on blu-ray and dvd today. What better way to celebrate it than by getting the full Yondu look at your friendly neighborhood barber shop, Shorty's in West Hollywood

While neither David nor I decided to get the full (or even temporary) Yondu, we arrived nice and early to wait in line with our fellow Guardians fans. We were eager for the opportunity to meet actor Michael Rooker. While we waited, we could take photos, collect swag (an Inferno poster, a DVD/blu ray combo and Groot ear bud covers.) We also entered a contest to win a signed Yondu Poppins umbrella:

(I wanted these damn glasses. Marvel gave them out at the premiere to the press who acted like they didn't want them. Meanwhile, the fans were practically begging for them.)


Michael Rooker arrives! He spends some time with the fans who went full on Yondu. Check out their amazing full Yondu's:


Michael greets the fans and hands everyone a signed Inferno poster. He walked the entire line multiple times. I loved watching Rooker walk Fairfax Avenue:

After a brief break, Michael came out and signed one item for every fan who was waiting. It was really kind of him and it made all of us feel like we were floating on air like Mary Poppins Yondu!

As he signs our book, David is telling him the story of how we were waiting in the back of the convention center at San Diego Comic Con in July of this year (for Peter Capaldi) and we saw him from across the street. David recognized him immediately, "That's Rooker." I waited for him to cross the street. When he got close enough, I asked him to sign our autograph book. He smiled and said, "I'm not doing that today, baby, but if you want you can take a photo with me." Since then, I've jokingly referred to him as, "Baby." David told him this story here and we were all laughing about it. I love this photo!

(Thanks to my line buddy, Brianna, for taking the above two photos of him signing the book.)

Rooker, "Come here, baby, let's take a selfie."

(The Inferno video is my favorite thing ever and it will NEVER get old.)

We are Groot.


Meryl said…
Oh but you, Kelly, are cool-er!!!