MFA Boston June 2017

On June 14th, my 3 year old niece, Mom and I visited the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. I went specifically to see the Matisse exhibit (see the post here) and to see Van Gogh (see that post here.) I wasn't disappointed. In two hours, we were able to see the entire Matisse exhibit as well as the pieces below. I could have stayed longer but we had a 7 year old to pick up from school. Here are some of my favorites from that day:

Georgia O'Keeffe

Frida Kahlo apologies for the two blurry photos below but if you click on them, I think that they are worth noting.


Diego Rivera

Edvard Munch

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

John Wilson (whose work stopped me in my tracks)


My 3 year old niece had some ideas of her own about the art. My Mom captured her looking at the above sculpture staring at it intently. She then uttered, "Dis one is broken." At one point, she was staring at a painting and said (in disgust), "Dis one has naughty fishies in it!" (There were no fish in the painting.) I showed her a Picasso and told her, "This one was painted by a man named Pablo." She said, "Pablo? He's on da Backyardigans." When asked (on more than once occasion) what she remembered most about her trip to the museum, she would respond with, "Da ballerinas." Degas made more of an impression on her than the "broken" sculpture or "naughty fishies."

Thanks to my sister for acquiring the library passes! Also big thanks to my niece, Hannah and my Mom for trekking into the MFA with me. Thank YOU for taking the journey with me as well! 


Caterina Giglio said…
awesome post, what a show!! x