A Year's Worth of Art Journaling

These are my journals from the last year. Three are unfinished (one I am working in now and two are special projects that I am working on when I can.) There are about eight of them shown here. There are more.

The pile does not include ones I've sold or given away. I've made many of those in the past year. Too many to count.

Nor does it include my individual postcard pages. I've made about fifty or more of those. It also doesn't include the journals that are living elsewhere at the moment (as class samples in store, etc...)

On average, I finish a journal a month. I try to do a page (or more, if I am lucky) a day. I don't berate myself if I can't. I work on what I can as much as possible. 

For a year spent in doctor's offices, hospital rooms, waiting rooms and more, I am thankful to have been able to make what I did. Thanks for coming along on the ride with me.


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