"...Who among painters will still carry a part of us in his heart, as we do Manet and Cezanne?”

I've been reading Francoise Gilot's Matisse and Picasso for the past week. It's fascinating and well written. It's the third book by Gilot that I have read and would recommend.

There are lots of gems in the book but the above passage radiates for me especially in a day and age where everyone is concerned about others borrowing, appropriating and being influenced by one another. 

If you click on the above, it will take you a couple of minutes to read it all but here are my favorite bits:

"As long as some painters continue to be interested in our ideas or our works, we will not be dead.

...That does not prevent each new artist from being entirely different but he or she must also entertain a dialogue with the dead and keep them alive within himself or herself... (writes about son, Pierre, a NY art dealer and the artists he represents.) ...What do you think they have incorporated from us? And in a generation or two, who among painters will still carry a part of us in his heart, as we do Manet and Cezanne?”
