Bringing Home the Goods: Two Hands Paperie Boulder, CO

Come with me to Boulder, Colorado where Mom, Tracey and I spent some time before my classes in Fort Collins.

Two Hands Paperie-Are you a paper artist? A book artist? A mixed media artist? Someone who loves color, pattern, shape and texture? This store is a must for you! The ferris wheel above holds postcards and actually spins. There are treasures of inspiration tucked into every corner!


Boulder Books-Three floors of books. We didn't trek through each section spending most of our time in the art area. It is quite fun to browse and see what they have each time I'm in the area. The workers are always very helpful and friendly.

Here are the goodies that I found at Two Hands Paperie. The cards are gifties. Tracey talked me into the pencils (after I talked her into a white pencil.) I wish that I had bought more of the metallic tape especially the gold. I am in love with it. I haven't tried the chalk marker that is more like a water soluble crayon than a marker but as soon as I do (and if I love it) you will hear.


What did I miss?? The shops, the pencils, the food, that gold tape - I could hardly contain myself as I read your post! I will SO be the first person to sign up for your next teaching event in CO. I'm so sad I missed this - Karen Campbell sounds like she may be my long lost soul sister! ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed our beautiful state and I hope you guys had a safe trip home. Your classes look like they were smashing successes...but what else would you expect from a Kelly class??
