Planting a Kiss: Remembering Amy Krouse Rosenthal

One of my favorite creative beings has left the planet. Amy Krouse Rosenthal died yesterday and I can't stop thinking about her. I never met her but her words and her inspiration buried themselves inside deep my brain and I can't get rid of them. 

Here are just a few of the many books that she wrote. These are some of my favorites (missing from the pile of favorites is the Encyclopedia of Me which is hiding somewhere at this moment...) I don't just mean my favorite books that Amy wrote but my most favorite books of all time. If you haven't read any of them, seek them out. Textbook came out late last year. She wrote a ton of childrens' books as well.

Sherry Richert Belul has created a wonderful Facebook Group called Plant a Kiss for Amy Krouse Rosenthal: "Think about something you can offer the world as a kindness between March 7+16. Then, plan to post in your blog (or on FB if you don't have a blog) what you did and what the experience was like. We will all post on the same day, March 17th. We'll all link to Amy's "Plant a Kiss" book trailer so anyone reading our stories can find out about her sweet book."

I think that planting kisses and Always Trusting Magic are things that we ALL want to do and all CAN do. “I tend to believe that whatever you decide to look for, you will find. Whatever you beckon, will eventually beckon you.” (AKR) Amy KR was proof that it can be done! It doesn't take thousands of people or dollars. It takes YOU, one person. One person on a mission to find beauty, to make beauty, to be beauty in the most simplest, mundane every day moments. 

Here are some links below that may give you some ideas as to how to beckon your own lovely and to find (and spread) beauty daily: 

Plant a Kiss for Amy Krouse Rosenthal Facebook Group-Do something kind in memory of Amy between now and March 17th.


Curiouser Alice said…
Thank you so much for this, Kelly. I had never heard of her, and now I'm wondering how on earth that happened. I'm sad for her family, and for us, that there won't be new works, and also grateful that there are lots of works to explore. Thank you for all the links.
Arctic Parent said…
Wonderful share Kelly, you really bring Amy's works to life. I'm looking forward to her books and videos. Just knowing there's a wealth of goodness out there waiting for me is sweet.
sherry Belul said…
What a beautiful and obviously heartfelt tribute to Amy. I LOVE the pages/excerpts you chose. They made my heart all squishy with love for Amy — how ALIVE and how REAL and how BEAUTIFUL she is. I say is, because she will always be a bright spark in my life. Her spirit is here. Especially today, as so many people share their kindnesses in her name. I'm so glad to meet you through Amy, Kelly. You know that part in "Textbook AKR" where she connects strangers? Well, this was one other way she got strangers to meet and love one another. xo