20th and 21st January 2016 Journal Pages

I'm going to be posting my revised workshop schedule for the rest of 2016 over the course of the next week here. Thanks for being patient and tuning in. We're still trying to get back to whatever normal was around here. Tristan has been in school for a week now (he loves it. Thankfully, he was able to enroll in several classes that he was really interested in taking.) David still has lots of doctor appointments, the car is still in the shop and there is always something on the calendar that we need to make the time to do. 

I've been reading a lot more artist biographies this year. I will post my favorites here and there over the next few weeks. I'm always open to suggestions on books and films.

Here's a list of some art documentaries that I have not seen yet but am looking forward to doing so:

Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, the Mistress and the Tangerine

Humble Beauty: Skid Row Artists

Rude Dude

Paris Was a Woman

Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present

Have you seen any of these? Do you have any favorite art documentaries that you'd like to share?


Cynthea said…
You probably have seen this, but maybe others have not. The Rape of Europa- I watched it years ago on PBS and it has been on Netflix for years- still available! "chronicles 12 years of Nazi pillaging works of art throughout Europe and the international effort to locate these treasures" The part that amazed me was what they did to save works of art- I have been to the Louvre and I can't begin to imagine emptying it out. Discussed what they did to protect and hide the Mona Lisa and moving a huge Statue etc. Amazing! Also a little about Hitler, I did not know he was an artist and wanted to attend Art school but was rejected. I could not stop wondering what would have happened it he had been accept.....
Cynthea said…
I have noticed that your style seems to have evolved into using more paint. I know you have been doing this awhile, I do not know when this change started though :) I am wondering if you paint your pages first or are you adding after collage, or even during?? I have taken a few of your older online classes, I would love if you made newer versions! I bet you would have many students! Thanks for sharing