Bucky F*cking Dent

David's surgery is quickly approaching. We've been busy doing what needs to be done but we've also found some time to do some fun things.
Last night, we went to Barnes and Noble at the Grove to meet David Duchovny who was there to read from and sign his latest book, Bucky F*cking Dent. Duchovny's daughter, West, also attended and she helped hold the book for him while he read (this is after he asked for a "volunteer" while looking right at her.) Duchovny said that it's not a book about baseball and that anyone angry should just yell, "Bucky Fucking Dent!" (this is even listed as an AKA on Wikipedia which made me laugh loud.) Duchovny was vacationing in Massachusetts and heard a worker talking about Bucky Fucking Dent and stopped to ask him what exactly that meant. He said he didn't stop thinking about the name and how great it was. He wrote a screenplay. Duchovny was frustrated that as a screenplay it couldn't get made as an independent film and turned it into a novel. I really enjoyed the passage that he read from last night and am eager to read the book. In the meantime, David won't stop talking about Bucky Fucking Dent and that game (he swears that he watched it on TV. I was four and don't remember it. I wish my Dad was around as I'd definitely ask him about Bucky Fucking Dent and I know he'd have a story to tell.)
Another interesting thing about the book is that Duchovny insisted that on the title. The publishers and Powers That Be were not happy as they worried that it wouldn't be searchable via Google (with or without the asterisk.) So, the title all came down to what could be found via a Google search. Insane!
It was truly a surreal night (it always is when you meet folks that you see on tv and in the movies.) David just said to me, "It felt like we were in the presence of Mulder." I appreciated that Duchovny was able to keep the focus on the book and that the fans respected that. I am kicking myself that I didn't ask him who his literary influences are. Hopefully he'll write a third book and we'll get to do this all over again.
