Adios, Johnny Bravo

Top left to right: Erin (my sister), our cousin (Andrea),and Missy
 in my bedroom on Beale Street in Wollaston, MA (look at the collaged walls! I had posters everywhere); Missy and Carrot Top; Missy at KISS; (Tiny insert photo of Paul Geary from Extreme at the softball game I mentioned below) Paul Geary and Missy; Paul Geary and Pat Torpey from Mr Big; Missy holding an umbrella for Russ Irwin; Missy being Missy

Earlier this year, we lost a ball of sunshine, Melissa Scales Bejer. We met during the summer of 1991 (I believe it was) because of her brother, Roger. I met Roger at a softball game for the Boston Band, Extreme. Roger said, "I think you'd get along great with my sister, Missy." That was an understatement. Missy and I became fast friends. We had a lot in common, we both loved music (hair bands), stupid tv shows, cartoons, our love of York Beach Maine and how much we loved to laugh. I spent more time at her house the next couple of summers than my own (thanks, Mrs. Scales for always being a gracious host -and Mom- always with an open door and especially for taking me out for dinner and chocolate milk on the night of my prom while Missy was at work.)

I will admit to completely cracking up as I looked through these photos. (I can't believe I don't have a photo of Missy and PJ from Trixter.) I love that she's still making me smile and laugh. Her expressions in some of these photos are priceless.

Pete Loran (Trixter) and Missy; Roger (Missy's brother) and Steven Sweet (Warrant); Jani Lane (Warrant) and Missy; Steve Brown (Trixter) and Missy; Missy's Mom and Mark "Gus" Scott (Trixter); Roger, Missy and Joey Allen (Warrant) 

The memories I have of Missy and Trixter. Driving hours to Maine to see them open for KISS, running into them at the rest stop on the way home, friendship labels (Missy had PJ Farley, I had Bobby Rock) and the rock concert that was supposed to be on stage but was turned into an acoustic show in the cafeteria at the amusement park because of lightning and rain. Oh, and Missy's obsession with the Spock cardboard cut out which she brought with her everywhere to take photos.

Can you believe we took our Mothers to see Britny Fox for Mother's Day? Our Moms with Michael Kelly Smith (Britny Fox); Johnny Dee (Britny Fox) and Missy; Mark Davis (from Ugly Kid Joe) signs Missy's shirt after Missy, Roger and I spent several hours talking to him in the lobby of the hotel; Randy Castillo (one of my absolute favorite drummers and a thrilled looking Missy); Mark Davis (UKJ) and me. 

Missy and I loved UKJ and saw them as often as we could. One funny memory is trying to throw a copy of Metal Edge magazine up to the band who were on the second floor sticking their heads out the window talking to us. Either I couldn't throw it high enough or Whit couldn't catch it. They finally came down and hung out with us. 

Johnny Gioeli and Missy; Johnny (Hardline) and Me; Our Moms and Joey Gioeli (Hardline); Missy (look at the face) and Deen Castronovo (Hardline); Johnny

The back of three of these photos all crack me up, as they say, "ON THE BUS!" Missy and I went to see Hardline every time they were on the East Coast. We'd schlep ourselves and our Moms (if we couldn't drive) to New Hampshire, Springfield MA or anywhere else they'd be willing to go. Sometimes, we were even dropped off (as in the case with these photos) in Rhode Island and got in the car with strangers (!) to have the above happen! We went to a radio station in Rhode Island to see Hardline because we couldn't get into the 21+ show. There we not only met the band (again) but we met a couple of new friends (the "strangers" mentioned above who later on became fast and lifelong friends with Missy) who had a birthday cake for Johnny and Todd. Well, the guys invited all of us onto the bus (note that Neal isn't in any of these photos) to celebrate. I ended up sitting next to Johnny (how the hell did that happen?) and I love the photo above of Missy sitting next to Todd Jensen eyeing Johnny G. The photo of her also looking up at Johnny's brother, Joey, with cake in his mouth cracked me up, too. I wish I could find my photos from the last time we saw them perform in Boston. I had finals and my parents said I couldn't go. Well, I remember leaving the house (I only ever did anything like this one other time when I wanted to see Paul Geary from Extreme and my parents wouldn't let me stay late, but I did...) to take the T into Boston to meet Missy, Roger and their mother. It was well worth the screaming that I got that night because not only did we meet the band but we also had front row center and Johnny sang to me (I turned bright red and he cracked up onstage.) When we weren't together, Missy and I would spend hours talking on the phone and I remember our very late night phone conversation after that concert!

Missy and I had great memories of Johnny and Hardline. A couple of years ago she even started a facebook group for Johnny (before he was on social media) to try to keep the fans in touch with each other and informed.

If you can't tell from the above photos, Missy had a knack of making people not laugh but also open and honest enough to be themselves. These are some of my favorite photos (as well as hers) of Musician and Vocalist Extraordinaire, Johnny Gioeli. A glance at her facebook page with the many people that she would go out of her way to meet shows you just how many people would open up to her (she had a great story of meeting Robin Williams. There was a clean version of the story and the raunchy one with colorful language.)

When she got sick, she kept it private. I'd try to make her laugh by sending her goofy things like coloring books, books on Hall and Oates or the Brady Bunch. Since February, I keep finding tapes (both cassette and VHS) that Missy would make for her friends. They were collaged audio or visual bits of goofy things that cracked her up. I love finding tapes that say things like, "Roscoe's (from the Dukes of Hazzard) Greatest Hits" to "Johnny Bravo's Groovy Tunes" and just remembering Missy and what she loved.

Missy knew how to laugh and enjoy life. I have never met someone who radiated life so well and so much that she GLOWED. Those of us who were lucky to know her in real life were made richer by having the privilege of being able to call her a friend. 

Nanu Nanu, Missy.

Stupid Stuff that Made Missy Laugh or Smile:

And so much this:
