What I'm Reading

I finished Sarah Manguso's Ongoingness: The End of a Dairy on New Year's Eve. It was a fast but compelling read. I highly recommend it especially if you keep a journal or are a parent. I began Heidi Julavits' The Folded Clock on New Year's Day and am having a hard time putting it down. Sixty pages in and I don't want to stop.

Before the year ended, I lucked out on some great finds (yay, heavy discounts and coupons) Klee & Kandinsky published by Prestel Books and Cat Bennett's Making Art a Practice. I'm looking forward to savoring them. 

I am also hoping that 2016 will be a year well read. 


Unknown said…
hi, just wanted to let you know I took your advice and bought glaze pens and posca markers and love them both!