Njideka Akunyili Crosby at The Hammer Museum

David and I went to the Hammer Museum to see the Frances Stark exhibit (more on that later.) Afterwards, we wandered around, browsing the museum store (oh, the damage that I could do buying books there), spinning in the top chairs and then we stumbled into the small, unassuming gallery on the first floor and were completely blown away by the work of Njideka Akunyili Crosby (those are her paintings above.)

If you can get to the Hammer before January 10th, these must be seen in person. They are stunning and unlike anything I have ever seen or experienced before. They are vibrant, fresh and alive. I could have sat in that tiny room all day and took every inch of the paintings in. 

I am completely inspired, enthralled and quite eager to see more of her work.

You can find out more about Njideka Akunyili Crosby via her website, wikipedia and a fabulous article on Afrocentric Confessions.
