Fremont, CA Workshops January 22nd-24th, 2016
I am looking forward to starting the new year off by teaching four all NEW workshops at Maria's studio in the Niles section of Fremont, CA January 22nd-24th, 2016 (classes are open to the public.)
I will be offering fresh, new workshops teaching a variety of NEW bookbinding, collage, creative processing, self expression, composition, design, layering, painting and much, much more.
My workshops are always process-based learning while creating a unique product. I am well known for not traveling light and bring a large variety of supplies including (but not limited to) collage material, rubber stamps, stencils, pens, markers, tape and more.
Please note there is a small supply list below each class description.
Please note there is a small supply list below each class description.
Beginners to advanced are welcome in ALL of the classes.
Interested in signing up? Questions? Please email Kelly for more info!
Payments for the Fremont, CA workshop must be made in advance. Due to the fact that the teacher is traveling from Los Angeles and must prep for the workshops in advance, there are no cancellations allowed. No refunds.
You may send someone else in your place if you are unable to attend the workshop, or you will receive a kit for the class. You can either pay via paypal (see button below) or send a check or money order. Once you've signed up for the workshop, you will be sent the address and directions to the workshop location. If you have ANY questions you can email me. I will also give you my cell phone number so you contact me.
If you have any problems with the paypal buttons (they can be finicky sometimes, please email me at
The Schedule is:
Friday, January 22nd 10-2
Journal Roots
Journal Roots
Followed by:
A Few of My Favorite Things: Paper, Paint and Pen: Text Edition
Saturday, January 23rd 10-6
An Artist's Study
Sunday, January 24th 10-2 An Artist's Study
Some Of Us Are Brave: Revised and Revisited 2016

Journal Roots
I love exploring texture in all forms. I wanted to create a tactile book that reflects my love of layering. I wanted to push my myself as an artist and an individual. Think rich, luscious layers of paint, paper and fabric combined with limitless possibility and guided experimentation. We'll reach deep within to create truly original pages.
You will learn composition, design, color theory, layering exercises involving paper, paint, fabric, pen and more as you work in your newly bound journal.
Supply list: tacky glue, scraps of fabric/ribbon, an apron,scissors, a selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images), bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of paper towels OR an old rag, permanent black ink pad (if you have one), 1" brush to glue and paint (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks (large glue sticks will last you longer), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)
Followed by:
Combining visual art with the written word is a passion of mine. I am always searching for new ways to bring together paper, paint and pen.
Want to make your pages come alive? Then bring your journal to class where you will learn not only how to add text to your pages but where, when and what to write. Your pages will sing and vibrate with layers of color, texture and text. This is unlike any class in adding text that I have ever taught before.
Supply list: a journal or paper to work on, an apron, scissors, a selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images), bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of paper towels OR an old rag, permanent black ink pad (if you have one), 1" brush to glue and paint (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks (large glue sticks will last you longer), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)
Saturday, January 23rd
An Artist's Study
As artists and individuals, we're always learning. We seek guidance from our favorite artists. They inspire and spark ideas in us. How can we borrow from them to create entirely new and unique pieces?
In this class, you will learn how to glean inspiration from your favorite artists and create fresh, new, vibrant journal pages that combines their work with yours. I took the work of one of my favorite artists both collage and idea wise and melded it with my own work.
We will begin the class by making a quick, pamphlet stitch journal but I want the focus of the class to be about making the pages. I ask that students please bring a book or color copies of the work of one of their favorite artists (the images do not have to be of people, it can be an abstract artist, a photographer, a sculpture artist, a kid's art, your art as a kid, your old art) whatever kind of art calls to you but you have to be able and willing to cut it up. I will show you how to look at their work with new eyes. You will learn how to look at their work with new eyes and how to incorporate what they have done into your own work, making new, original work in your own distinct style. Not only did I collage with bits of my favorite artist's work but I also borrowed mark making, layouts, thoughts and other ideas. I wanted to make completely new and original pieces that looked like my work as I learned from her. You will learn how to do the same in this all day workshop.
Supply list: Bring either several different copies or an inexpensive book (to tear up) of your favorite artist's work, OR even copies of your own artwork, a child's artwork or anyone's art that speaks and inspires you. If you are bringing color copies think of playing with sizes and color vs black and white on the copy machine, an apron, scissors, a selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images), bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of paper towels OR an old rag, permanent black ink pad (if you have one), 1" brush to glue and paint (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks (large glue sticks will last you longer), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)

Some Of Us Are Brave: Revised and Revisited 2016
In 2004, I created a series of classes designed to dive deep within your own creativity using art journaling. In 2016, I revised and combined the classes into something that is unlike any art class that I have ever taught.
Trust, surrender and experiment on the pages of your journal in a safe and welcoming environment. We will be working in a variety of media as we push and pull our art journal pages to the next level. Learn a process of self expression that can be applied to a wide variety of art forms.
Supply list: a journal or paper to work on, an apron, scissors, a selection of favorite collage ephemera (think about reading this when choosing your images), bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of paper towels OR an old rag, permanent black ink pad (if you have one), 1" brush to glue and paint (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks (large glue sticks will last you longer), roll of waxed paper OR an old catalog or magazine to glue on (if you don't want to use all of your waxed paper for this.)