9 July 2015 Journal Page

David and I just got home from standing outside in the extreme wind (it is the coldest I have ever been in L.A. I got home and my nose was bright red) for the Star Wars Premiere. No, we didn't go in to see it (alas, no tickets and security was the tightest I have ever seen before) but we watched everyone walk by. If you want to see it from our POV, you can watch a very short video I took here. If any of my photos come out, I may do a separate post. 

I am doing an online charity auction for Stichting Bootvluchteling. The auction runs through 7 a.m. UTC Wednesday. I'm offering a seat in every single one of my online classes. The value is about $700 USD and whatever the final bid is, it will go to an extremely good cause. More here. You can see everyone's donated artwork and bid here. Thank you!
