25 July 2015 Journal Page

Stealing some computer time while I can. I hope to have information about my January classes in Northern California and San Diego within the next couple of days.  Trying to get everything posted so I can take some a little time off between Christmas and New Years.
Usually I am working so this is very weird to me. I'll still be working but more so working on taking the time to feed and nourish my creativity. I need some time to play in my books, read, take walks and just have some quiet. 

Blog Love:


crimsoncat05 said…
I have just spent a ton of time on the Brain Pickings blog, reading this post and clicking link after link, getting lost in quotes, philosophy, and poetry... I also put every one of the 15 best books of 2015 books on a Pinterest board so I can read them all (hopefully!) next year. Thank you so much for posting that rabbit hole!! :D