Connections and Doctor Who


While at Barnes and Noble in Burbank yesterday, I overheard a young boy show his mom the Funko Tardis from Doctor Who. His Mom told him that he couldn't have everything and made him put it back. As the boy walked by me, I said, "That Tardis is on my wishlist, too." He gave me a big smile and said, "Really? Want to see something?" He flashed me his Whovian necklace and sonic screwdriver. I showed him my Exploding Van Gogh Tardis phone cover and pin. We started talking.
He told me that "Tennant is my favorite. He was my first, you know." (As they say, you'll never forget your first Doctor.) We talked for a few minutes and he went to his Mother. I then hear a female voice say, "she looks like Donna." Then louder, "YOU LOOK LIKE DONNA. DO YOU GET THAT ALL THE TIME?" I started laughing because I've been told that twice and the other time was at Comic Con by a woman on the escalator. We started talking about the upcoming Gallifrey One convention (alas, sold out), WonderCon and San Diego Comic Con. She wanted to buy her son tickets to one of them so I tried to give her some advice. We parted ways with smiles and waves. 

On the way out, I saw the boy again. He started telling me about the good Doctor Who merchandise vs the not so good. I showed him this picture of Tristan and Peter Capaldi at Comic Con earlier this year (where we were walking around San Diego after the convention ended Wednesday night looking for ice cream, hoping to run into Peter Capaldi, thought someone was him, he wasn't, five minutes later, we turned the corner and ran into him. He was extremely gracious and remains one of my favorite people to this day. When I took the photo below, he pointed at my phone and exclaimed, "Look at all the Tardis'!" He then turned to me and asked if I wanted a photo. It was just wonderful and perfect running into him like that, so very Doctor like. A half an hour after that, we walked directly in front of him as we were all headed in the direction of the convention center.) 

What I love about meeting the boy and his mother yesterday is that we were able to connect, if only for a short period of time. In this sometimes mixed up and crazy world, complete strangers can talk without any fear and actually connect over something as wonderful as their love of The Doctor. How much we need more experiences like this in the universe. Things that make us smile and reach out.


Christine said…
oh! What a lovely story. I haven't seen the new series yet. going to have a WHO day!!!!
Thanks for sharing.