3 May 2015 Journal Page

A quick heads up, I'm teaching a very special six hour collage + paint + bookbinding + more class at Book Arts LA this Sunday. You can find more information and sign up here.  Here's a sample page from my Visual Poetry book: 

Last Saturday, David and I went to Beyond Fest at the Egyptian Theatre to see a screening of Dog Day Afternoon with Al Pacino in person. My two favorite LA theatres are both a part of the American Cinematheque: Aero in Santa Monica and The Egyptian in Los Angeles. I love that they have excellent screenings (35mm as much as possible) and in person guests. I hadn't seen Dog Day Afternoon and I really enjoyed it. It was also a treat to see Pacino in person. The best story he told was about how he's been trying to recapture the feeling of his first time on the stage. We sat in the second to last seat so my photos are ridiculously crappy but it was a great time. 

