
Funny how often we are learning. We think that as we age that we, "know it all." Pffft. We've barely scratched the surface. With Tristan in college and me being his chauffeur (until he gets his license and I'm comfortable with him driving to and from Valencia on a daily basis), I'm learning new things. 

I'm learning how to find and make the time for what needs to be done in addition to what I want to do (four hours of daily driving adds up.) I'm learning how to let go of the ties a little bit. He's learning things at his school that will hopefully help lead him down the path that he is so eager to be on. I went from being a daughter living at home in Massachusetts to being a new wife living a continent away from her family to being a Mom to suddenly being the Mom of a college student. Always learning. Always growing. Trying to keep an open mind (and heart) and focus on what I'm gaining instead of what I feel like I'm sometimes losing. Pouring my heart out onto my pages as much as possible and cherishing the car time with my kid. Learning new things again.


Sharmon Davidson said…
Learning - that's what life is about. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks for stopping by, Sharmon! :)
Emie58 said…
Learning... evolving... changing. Always difficult, but being stagnant scares me more. Hopefully you'll have some extra creative time while waiting for him.
Anonymous said…
loved this layout and your thoughts...
Kelly Kilmer said…
@Emie, :) Agreed! I'm only waiting for him one day a week and that gives me time to sit and make stuff. I appreciate the time spent working in my journal as well as the drive time with him when we talk (well, he talks and I listen.) XO.

@Anonymous, Thank you! :)