21 April 2015 Journal Page

FYI, if you live near an Aaron Brothers store, you may want to check their clearance section (or maybe near the front register) as they've put Molotow and Sharpie paint markers on clearance. That's my PSA for the day!



anja said…
I love this page as so many others you have made before.
I want to order an online class but now, while I am sitting here with my credit card ready to order I suddenly don't know where to start and my budget doesn't allow me to order them all at once. What I love is that you combine painting and collage and I wonder which one of your classes will help me best in learning how you do it. I have made several collages in your following just by observing and posted them on my blog often with the credits given to you.(they remain a little shallow though) I am not new to collage but I'd just love to learn a little more on composition and how to use my own background, painting and marks.
Could you tell me which online class could serve me best?
anja kieboom, http://www.scrapitch.over-blog.com
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Anja, Thanks for the kind words. I emailed you privately.